Let’s Party!

set design, styling, photography : Giovanna Rotundo

Autumn set and free printable recipe

Do you remember my autumn dinner? After making my first animated GIF  I’m now going to show you more detailed photos of the set that I made, I hope you’ll like them and they’ll be a source of inspiration!


Autumn colours set

Hello and good week everyone!

I’m so happy I can show you this animated GIF at last!
I couldn’t wait, I made it with Microsoft GIF Animator so I can now show you the last set that I made.

What’s it all about? Whoever follows me on my Instagram profile  has already caught a glimpse of something, but I kept the best hidden. Have a peek , I’ll show you detailed photos and all the details in the next post!

set design, styling, photography : Giovanna Rotundo

Cheerful cherry afternoon

Hello everyone, nice to meet you again, and welcome to those who are here for the first time. Today I’ll show you a small set that I made in June, the month of cherries.

lemonade party

Lemonade Party

Let’s party!!!

What a perfect match! I fell in love with purple in all of its forms; I got a crush on the yellow that gave me joy, freshness and vitality. What happens if the two colors meet? It’s love at first sight!

What’s that these colors communicate to you?
