Just Art

pissarro impressionism

Top exhibitions and the love for Impressionism


One after another, like cherries.

I’m talking about the exhibitions of Impressionists that are crowding our cities in recent months.

After Monet in Pavia and Renoir at GAM, you’re still in time to see Pissarro at the Stables of the Visconti Castle, Pavia, until June 2nd. Well, if you, like me, lost some exhibitions you can still fix it.

Oh and don’t forget, May 4 will be the last day of “Towards Monet” in Vicenza.

These are probably the most visited exhibitions and the most strategic too; Impressionism by its very nature is easily recognizable and enjoyable. Who doesn’t remember when in school we studied Manet, Monet and Renoir and have enjoyed the use of colors, the immersion in nature bathed in sunshine, the studies of ever-changing lighting conditions.

Yet the same Manet, Monet and Pissarro did not enjoy great fame among their contemporaries; labeled and derided, accused of making paintings that were rough and unfinished, like “palette scrapings”, they [...]

Illustration by Lee White

Lee White – Illustration 2

Illustration by Lee White

It’s spectacular and there is a cat!
I found this beautiful illustration on Pinterest thanks to the “lightness” board of Giuliana  and I wanted to share it with you!
It’s by Lee White, a children’s book illustrator. You can have a look at his works here!

Have a nice weekend!


Alia Penner photography

What bright colors, what fantasy, and how much joy in these photos!
The impact is very strong and you can’t avoid adoring this photo shoot.
When I saw them for the first time I stopped to look at them a bit. They gave me joy and I felt there was something artistic in the air.

readings book flower tree

Summer readings

What is summer for you? More like a complete relax vacation, or rather an all fun holiday? And can you find time for a good book?? I hope so, and I hope they are quality readings, whatever your favorite genre.

In this period of time more than other times of the year I, for example, like reading books about art. It feels like the summer heat and the shutters closed for the sun help me to focus (well sometimes the heat actually brings me to fall asleep…)

While I’m in town I like to hole up in galleries and museums to see some exhibitions (ok, I admit that I also benefit from the air conditioning!)

I have different books at hand right now.

1971 contemporary art

5 reasons to see Pistoletto in Milan

Il bagno turco (1971)

Five reasons to see Michelangelo Pistoletto in Milan at the Studio Guastalla.

My desire is to capture that part of the audience who doesn’t know well and do not always understand contemporary art but, I add, would like to. I say “would like to” meaning that they are prepared to handle listening, reading and research, driven by curiosity and enthusiasm.

Michelangelo Pistoletto, a retrospective in Milan titled Riflettiamoci
